Photographing UFC Fuel Sweden – Part 1

Last evening I attended and photographed UFC Fuel in Stockholm, Sweden. As a sports photographer it’s always cool when these special events come and you get to go and participate. Mixed martial arts is something I’m really starting to enjoy photographing. The proximity to the fighters and the ability to constantly stay on top of them with your camera really make it a great sport photograph. Overall I’d say that it was a fantastic experience that I will not be forgetting anytime soon.

I wanted to put some pictures on the blog and decided to split everything in 3 posts. This one contains pictures from the preliminary matches, then a post with pictures the main matches, and finally a post for the main event. Make sure you check out the other two posts, UFC Fuel Sweden – Part 2 and UFC Fuel Sweden Part 3, to see more pictures from the card.

As always these pictures and many more are available via Pic-Agency.

Jason Young – Eric Wisely

Jason Young Vs. Eric Wisely - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden

Simeon Thoresen – Besam Yousef

Simeon Thoresen Vs. Besam Yousef - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden

Reza “Mad Dog” Madadi – Yoislandy Izquierdo

Reza "Mad Dog" Madadi Vs. Yoislandy Izquierdo - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 1 of 3
Reza "Mad Dog" Madadi Vs. Yoislandy Izquierdo - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 2 of 3
Reza "Mad Dog" Madadi Vs. Yoislandy Izquierdo - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 3 of 3

Francis Carmont – Magnus Cedenblad

Francis Carmont Vs. Magnus Cedenblad - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 1 of 4
Francis Carmont Vs. Magnus Cedenblad - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 2 of 4
Francis Carmont Vs. Magnus Cedenblad - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 3 of 4
Francis Carmont Vs. Magnus Cedenblad - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 4 of 4

Cyrille Diabate – Tom DeBlass

Cyrille Diabate Vs. Tom DeBlass - UFC Fuel - Stockohlm, Sweden - 1 of 2
Cyrille Diabate Vs. Tom DeBlass - UFC Fuel - Stockohlm, Sweden - 2 of 2

Papy Abedi – James Head

Papy Abedi Vs. James Head - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 1 of 2
Papy Abedi Vs. James Head - UFC Fuel - Stockholm, Sweden - 2 of 2

Make sure you check out the other two posts, UFC Fuel Sweden – Part 2 & UFC Fuel Sweden – Part 3, to see more pictures from the card. As always these pictures and many more are available via Pic-Agency.