For sometime I’ve been concerned about backup. I have a Time Machine disk for my computer and I backup my photo archive to external drives. However as the archive of my work continues to grow I’ve begun to feel more and more concern over it. What happens if the drive fails? Or if I lose it to theft or other unforeseen circumstances? Losing years worth of work would be pretty heartbreaking.
I really wanted to have some peace of mind and for that I have turned to Backblaze. Backblaze is a fantastic service, you pay 5 dollars a month and for that 5 dollars you get unlimited online backup for one computer and all attached external hard disk.

Once you download and complete the install, the application is easy to use and elegant. It lives inside of your System Preferences and adds an icon to the Mac’s top taskbar for quick access. From the application you can add/remove attached drives that you want to back up, schedule backups, throttle backup speed, exclude files, and much more.
Your initial backup will probably take some time, especially if you have a lot of external data. I set mine up to initially just do my computer. Once that was done I started adding my external drives to the backup. The procedure took several weeks but now I am all backed up the cloud and new backups are just incremental and go buy quickly.
I can access any file from their iPhone and iPad apps or directly from the Backblaze website. If the unthinkable happens I can restore all my files from the cloud. You can even get Backblaze to put all your data on a drive and send it to you.
There is no excuse not to back up your work. Give Backblaze a try. If you use my referral link and we both get a free month of unlimited backup.