Yesterday I was back on a football pitch and photographing the game between Djurgården and Åtvidaberg. The weather yesterday was all but normal, continuously going from sunny to rainy.

Since I started working with Pic-Agency I always debate with myself over how much rain gear to bring to a match. I have to say in the last year I’ve been extremely lucky. The few of my games where it’s been severe rain I had to give up to another photographer because another job was conflicting. However yesterday I had no doubts. Bring the umbrella!

Of sunshine and rain - 1 of 4

I was kind of looking forward to the possibility of a downpour and being able to add some great rainy images to my portfolio. Unfortunately the weather was not completely cooperative. I stepped on to the pitch and it started raining. So up with the umbrella which fastens to my monopod and 400mm lens. Then the sun came out, so down with the umbrella. Don’t want to look to silly on the sitting under an umbrella on the side of a sunny pitch. Then came more rain, right around halftime when I needed to get the laptop out and upload some pictures. Then naturally by the final whistle the skies cleared and the sun was out. It then managed to stay clear for the hour I spent in the press room sending pictures only to start raining again when I set out to head home.

Of sunshine and rain - 2 of 4
Of sunshine and rain - 3 of 4
Of sunshine and rain - 4 of 4

All in all the result of yesterday’s adventure was worthwhile. Today Aftonbladet used 3 of my pictures from yesterday’s match. One article featured my picture of injured Marc Pederson being substituted and a second article featured two pictures I took, one of Magnus Eriksson and one of Tobias Nilsson. I also had one picture used by Expressen today in their print edition. Which is not at all bad for an afternoon’s work.

More pictures from yesterday’s match are available exclusively through Pic-Agency.