The following night I was back at Hovet and photographing AIK’s hockey team. Who, unlike Djurgården, is playing in Elitserien which is the top hockey division in Sweden. It’s always nice when you shoot the same sport twice back to back. On the second night you come into it more. You’re thought about how you performed the previous evening are fresh and you can really try and push to do an even better job.
Wether or not I had a better night is debatable. I got plenty of great action shots and individual player portraits. In the second period I got a fantastic shot of AIK’s 2-3 goal (last pic in this post) which brought them back in the game. I remember thinking that if they went on to win this shot could be used even if it wasn’t the game winning goal. Unfortunately the didn’t go on to win, and I completely missed the game winning goal even though it was on my side of the rink. Win some lose some I suppose.

All pics in this post available for licensing via Pic Agency. Don’t forget to check out part one of this post for more hockey pictures.